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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

3 things you didn't know about me...

This week's Blog Hop theme is 3 things you didn't know about me. If you want to join the Blog Hop fun, you can find the info at the bottom of this post. Here goes...

1) I want to be an expert at something. I have many passions. I tend to think that I have a little bit of talent in many areas, but no expertise in just one area. I would rather know a lot about one or two areas, I think, than to know a little about a lot of areas. But at least I enjoy doing many things, right? Even if I'm not that good at them.

2) I have an unhealthy addiction to brownies. I don't know why. All I know is that I could eat them way too often. I still haven't found THE homemade brownie recipe of my dreams. So if you have any suggestions to share with me, please do. I am looking for a somewhat "healthy" recipe that tastes pretty much like the store bought brownie mixes. I know, I'm probably asking for too much...

3) I am a native California girl. I grew up mostly in southern California, not too far from the beach. I loved the non-humid weather there, and being close to the beach, which is my favorite place to be.

There you go! That was 3 things you (at least most of you) didn't know about me! Now it's your turn!

MckLinky Blog Hop


TheAtticGirl said...

Lately I am addicted to milkshakes. Not sure why, but that's what I seem to want all the time. And I'm not pregnant! lol.. I hear what you mean about being an expert at something. I dabble here and there but I'm not an expert at anything either.

SnoWhite said...

thanks for sharing :)

my black-bean brownie recipe tastes pretty good -- it has a different texture than store bought, but has great flavor. The texture makes the brownies almost melt-in-your-mouth :)

Jean said...

It would be great to be an expert at something, I agree. Brownies are a great addiction as I am addicted to anything chocolate!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE brownies too. and chocolate chip cookies. okay. anything chocolate;)

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I use applesauce in place of oil in brownies and (at least I tell myself) hopefully that makes them healthier. Nice to find your blog on the hop :-)

Unknown said...

i have a brownie recipe we should try together! that means we can eat them together too...