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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Coupon Book

The old system...

I didn’t like this little file thing that I was using for my coupons. It was too hard to find what I needed and didn’t have enough different sections. I didn't want to spend any money to buy a new one, so I looked around the house to see what else I could find.

I found this.

Just an old, little photo book, but it works a LOT better. Maybe not perfectly still, but much better, and I’m happy with it for now. I can now see what I have and I can divide it up into lots of different categories.

I even put a place in the back for categorizing by store! That way I have a specific place for things such as Food Lion coupons and restaurant coupons, etc.


Randall and Rachel Beita said...

Good Idea!!!! Wish I could do cupons!

Sarah said...

Is there no such thing in Costa Rica?

Anonymous said...

Awesome Idea! I have been looking for a way to organize my coupons so I may find them more quickly! Thanks