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Friday, January 9, 2009

Thinking it through

In all that we do, are we taking the time to think it through? Do we question of ourselves why we do what we do, and why we do it the way we do?

I began to think about this last night after my husband and I read a few chapters from the book Shepherding A Child’s Heart, by Tedd Tripp. This book has been encouraging and last night really challenged me to look at why I discipline the way that I do, and to think about what my true motivation is for disciplining my children. Is it for the sake of having well behaved children? Is it for the approval of others? Is it for me? Or is it, as it should be, for the glory of God alone? The Shorter Catechism answers its first question, “what is the chief end of man?” in this way: “man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” If we are believers, our chief end in disciplining our children ought to be glorifying God.

Another great point that Tedd Tripp made in his book was that when we have family worship or devotion time, it is not for the sake of worship time, or ritual, or such, but purely for the sake of knowing God. I want to be sure that my children understand that we read the Bible and pray to God not because of habit or because it may be a good thing to do, but because we want to learn about God and because we want to know Him.

So in all that we do, let’s remember to think it through, and let’s purpose to keep our motivations pure.


Kimberly said...

What great wisdom to live by! Thank you for your encouraging words. Your children are very blessed to have a mommy and daddy who want to shepherd them by modeling their love and faith in Jesus Christ. Keep up the good work!=)

Joyful Wife said...


Your little ones are so blessed to have a Momma and Daddy who are so intent on living for the glory of God in all that they do! They will one day rise up and call you blessed as they learn to give God glory be seeing Momma and Daddy model it.

Thank you for sharing this with us I know that I need to me much more mindful of what motivates me to do things. Is it for the love of God and honor of knowing Him and the purpose of giving Him glory and exalting His name? It is so good to have you remind us to be mindful and purposeful in giving God glory in all things.

Oh and I am so glad to hear that the potty training is going well! :)

Love you dear!

LS said...

Congrats on your beautiful new baby twin girls!! Yeah!

I posted the detergent recipes on my blog today!

Randall and Rachel Beita said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. It is so important and I often forget or do not really think it through. I needed this reminder.