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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

True Beauty - A Review

My husband and I have just had the opportunity of listening to Vision Forum’s recently released audio set titled True Beauty: Cultivating Christ Centered Father-Daughter Relationships. We both enjoyed it immensely and were challenged and encouraged by all of the wisdom and truth therein. I think the information was particularly pertinent to where we are in life right now, seeking to raise the three beautiful daughters that God has blessed us with.

The True Beauty audio series is from Vision Forum’s 2008 Father-Daughter Retreat, and covers a variety of topics teaching on biblical relationships between fathers and daughters. Doug Phillips speaks on Beauty: What is it?, and in it explains what true beauty really is and shares about how we have allowed our ideas of beauty to be defined by the world’s standards instead of God’s. In the message Foundational Vision for Fathers and Daughters, Doug also talks about having a biblical vision for what we want to do as families and about the importance of planning how that vision will play out in our future generations.

Geoffrey Botkin is another featured speaker along with his daughters Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin. Geoffrey teaches fathers How to Prepare a Daughter for Marriage with sound, biblical advice, challenging them to protect the hearts of their daughters and to plan for the probable transition of daughters into the homes and headship of future husbands. A common theme that we hear over and over throughout this series is the essential, biblical teaching that fathers are to turn their hearts toward their daughters, and daughters toward their fathers. This is absolutely necessary for an open relationship between father and daughter that is both biblical and productive.

Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin address young women in the message Transitions from Beautiful Girlhood to Noble Womanhood. This message is full of great practical advice on how daughters can embrace their fathers’ vision and encourage brothers as well.

We also hear from Scott Brown in the message The Proverbs 31 Woman. Scott speaks passionately about how Proverbs 31 applies to godly girls and women and shows us what being that woman looks like in our lives today. In How Father’s Can Protect Their Daughters in a Defiling Age, Scott also discusses our culture and how its prevalent ungodliness can so easily mold our daughters into women of the world, as opposed to women of God. Scott shares with fathers the importance of protecting and guiding daughters as they become women. We are encouraged to surround our daughters with godly influences that will teach and equip them for biblical womanhood so that they will someday be godly wives and mothers.

Last, but not least, there is also a two-part panel discussion on Fathers, Daughters, and the Family. This is basically a question and answer time with all the speakers. We loved this part a lot too!

All of the speakers do a great job as they prepare and equip fathers to lead their families, and encourage daughters to follow their fathers and to further his vision. True Beauty is a great, practical tool for building strong families and cultivating great father-daughter relationships. I hope you will check it out!

If you are interested in purchasing True Beauty, you can find it here.

1 comment:

Joyful Wife said...

This sounds great Sarah! Thanks for taking the time to write up such a great review. Robby and I just read it and will have to barrow it sometime in trade for on of our resources that you all want to hear/read.

I am so thrilled that God is at work in your heart and that of your husband...your wee ones are so blessed to have you both as parents.

Let study to show our selves approved unto the Lord...

Love you sis,