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Monday, December 1, 2008

34 weeks, 2 days pregnant...

So I'm at 34 weeks and 2 days...on bed rest still, but at least these babies are still inside. Still no contractions (thank you, Jesus), and lots of kicking from the babies. :-)

I am getting more and more uncomfortable and can barely bend over anymore. It's also really hard to put on my socks and shoes, or to clip my toenails. And when I get down it is really hard getting back up again. Matt is great at pulling me up though and makes it so much easier.

I feel like I'm going crazy staying in the house so much, but I'm trying to be patient and keep counting down the days! I will keep believing that God has a purpose for this time!

The laptop stopped working yesterday, so now I have to sit up to get online (don't tell!) That means I won't be doing much of that now...

That's all the update for now! :-)

1 comment:

Joyful Wife said...

Praise God Sarah! It is so good to get to hear all your little updates! It makes me feel like I am still apart of everything even thought I am so far away.

I think about you everyday and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

I love you! :)
