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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

DIY Braided Fabric Necklace

Make a pretty braided necklace from fabric scraps!  

This was a spur-of-the-moment creation that came to me as I was looking around the house the other day trying to figure out a fun craft to do with my girls.  This turned out so cute and it was super easy!

Of course my girls are too little to do it all on their own, but they held the fabric while I braided it, picked out a button to go on the flower, and they were thrilled to wear them when we finished.

To make this pretty necklace I cut three strips of fabric about 1 inch wide {I didn't measure, just eyed it}.  The length depends on how long you want the necklace.  Keep in mind that after it is braided it will be shorter. 

Next, tie a knot with all three strips together, about 3 inches from one end of the fabric strip.  Get your little one to hold the knot while you braid.  When the braid is finished, make a knot at that end.

Tie both ends together and pull tight against the first knots that you made.  Sew on a pretty flower, or wear a few strands together.

It makes a cute headband too!  :-)