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Friday, September 25, 2009

Do you Blog Frog?

I want to know...do you Blog Frog?

Just a little while back I signed up for Blog Frog so I could be a part of some of the neat discussions that go on in the blog communities on there.

I am thinking about doing the blog community thing for my blog, and I want to know what you think. Would you like to have a place to discuss stuff with other readers from my blog? It could be so many things really...mommy questions, recipe sharing, questions and answers from each other about how we do such and such, photography tips, product recommendations, money saving ideas, etc.

Just to see how this goes, I'm going to put a Blog Frog widget here on my blog (on the right) and if you're interested you can click to check it out, sign up, find other blog friends, participate in this blog community, or whatever you like.

Let me know what you think!

And if you still don't understand what Blog Frog is, feel free to throw your questions my way. When I first heard of Blog Frog I had NO IDEA what it was or how it worked!


Holly said...

I, for one, would LOVE to be part of a BlogFrog community on your site. Of course, I think I might be slightly biased so maybe my vote doesn't count :) But I'll try anyway!

Holly (co-founder TheBlogFrog)

Unknown said...

yeah...you are going to have to explain BlogFrog to me!